Upgrades Now in Place at Farmington, Missouri Police Department

Upgrades Now in Place at Farmington, Missouri Police Department

Farmington, Missouri (August 21, 2024) – The Farmington Police Department made several upgrades within the agency recently. The changes were put in place to benefit officers as well as the public.

Police Chief Chris Bullock said, “In May we moved from eight-hour shifts to more popular twelve-hour shifts. This allows officers more time while on the road for follow-up investigations and to spend more time out with the public. It also allows the second shift to be seen in the daylight hours whereas before they worked straight nights. Some of our new officers have completed their training time and are now working the newly implemented shifts.”

In July the Farmington Police Department introduced new body cameras. Thirty-six body cameras were purchased from the company Digital Ally, giving each officer their very own camera. The cameras are digitally assigned to the officers so should the officer be called out they do not need to report to the office before responding to a call. Extra batteries are charged in the patrol cars while the officer is on duty to ensure the cameras are in working order.

In the coming weeks, the department will be implementing a traffic division. This will consist of one officer assigned on each shift to work traffic in problem areas of town, accidents, and other traffic-related calls. The officer assigned to this division will still be subject to calls for service, but their primary job duties will be traffic.

For more information regarding the upgrades, please contact the Farmington Police Department at 573.760.7111.